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Antique Pen

Write a book in 8 weeks or less.

Not months. Not years.

It takes a lot of work to write a book. It also takes a lot of time. That’s why 97% of people who start writing a book never finish it—let alone publish it. Even the traditional ghostwriting process takes most of a year, if not longer. My Swift Book Method® slashes that timeline by 90% or more. I can get you a completed, high-quality book in 8 weeks or less. 

The Swift Book Method® Comparison Chart

[1] Anything can happen, but not completing a manuscript would be highly abnormal here.

[2] According to Business Insider, only 30 of every 1,000 people who set out to write a book will finish a manuscript and only 6 of those people will actually publish. A 0.6% success rate isn’t very encouraging. (In other words, only 3% will finish a manuscript and only 20% of that 3% will go on to publish.)

[3] Best estimates from available industry information. Many authors drop out upon seeing the long road ahead of them.

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