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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the Swift Book Method® right for me?
    The Swift Book Method® works wonderfully—for the right books. Not every book or author is a good candidate for the Swift Book Method®, however. Generally speaking, the method works best for authors who are subject matter experts and able to speak at length and depth about their book topic. It is not well suited for very research heavy topics or very long books, for example. My method is not suitable for everyone and if we determine we’re not a good fit I will happily refer you to someone who can help you. If you want to know if the method would work for your idea and book, let’s talk.
  • Will I get a good book? Or just a book done quickly?
    You will absolutely get a quality book. My method provides speed, but I also focus on quality. On my LinkedIn page, you can read a recommendation from my colleague in publishing who encourages authors to use me for projects “that require equal parts efficiency and excellence.”
  • Why is it beneficial to finish a book quickly?
    Not everyone needs or wants a book quickly. But for those who do, speed provides many benefits: · Your book is complete in a fraction of the time so you can resume focus on what you do best. · Your ideas don’t get lost in numerous months of content interviews. · You are more likely to complete your book when it takes weeks rather than risking interference over the course of years. [link to FAQ on Why does it matter how long my book takes to write?] · You can begin pursuing your book marketing goals once the book is published (much sooner, in this case). · You build momentum from completing your book and accomplishing your goals. · If you are planning to monetize your book through marketing or other means, you can being doing so that much faster. Remember, an unpublished book reaches and helps zero percent of your audience.
  • Why should I choose you to write my book?
    I spent nearly half a decade working for a publisher that was more discerning in its ghostwriter selection than Harvard is for their students. While Harvard has an acceptance rate of 6%, Scribe Media had an acceptance rate of less than 1% of applicants. Not only that, but I also spent more than 15 years ghostwriting products and deliverables for high-level executives of the US government such as the Chief of Staff of the Army and the Secretary of Defense. I honed my skillset by interviewing stakeholders, listening to days of information, and gleaning the most important and relevant nuggets of information—very much like the process I’ll use to write your book. I combined my writing experiences with an improved process to create the Swift Book Method®. Writing for some of the highest executives in the US government such as a US Ambassador, US Senator, the Secretary of Defense, and the Chief of Staff of the US Army allowed my writer’s ego to disappear completely. I also learned to always put the client first. You can imagine that if four-star generals were displeased with my work or methods they wouldn’t have allowed me back—let alone requested me by name repeatedly. If we work on your book together, you can expect an expert who will put the needs of your project first, but who will also respectfully bring issues to your attention. If what you want to say or do in the book is not the best thing for the book, the reader, or your goals, I will raise that flag. However, you remain the ultimate decision maker as the author of your book.
  • What benefits can I expect after writing my book?
    Every author has different reasons for writing a book. I will spend time with you establishing your goals and setting reasonable expectations upfront and then work to write a book that meets your goals and those of your audience. Many authors use their book as a marketing tool. For instance, you may want to use your book as a funnel to generate leads or turn it into a tool for other service offerings, e.g. a $50,000 a year course. Generally speaking, authors like to use their book as a tool for three things: increase visibility, generate leads, and have an impact. To give you an idea of what that can look like, authors I have worked with in the past have used their books to successfully launch coaching careers, create paid courses, be featured as TED or keynote speakers, or work with Fortune 500 companies.
  • Why does it matter how long my book takes to write?
    First, the longer it takes to write a book, the less likely you are to complete your manuscript and publish your book. Life happens, and sadly, in my work in publishing, I’ve seen many authors bail on completing their books. Remember, of the 1,000 aspiring authors who start a book, only 6 will actually publish. This low rate of success is understandable since working on a book takes an enormous amount of time and effort. But with my method, you outsource all of that to me. You are almost certain to complete your book when it only takes 8 weeks of your life (or less) rather than years—and most of that time you can spend hands off. Second, the more time you spend writing your book, the less time you have to capitalize on having that book as part of your arsenal. You can’t get keynote speaking gigs for a book you haven’t written.
  • What are your other strengths besides speed?
    I am passionate about creating stories that captivate the reader. It makes all the difference between an engaging business book and one that puts readers to sleep. Believe me, the vast majority of business books that cross my desk are dry and boring. A reader doesn’t care much about the $15 they spent for your book, but they do care about the time investment and the experience they have while reading it. If a reader has to struggle to finish a chapter, they probably won’t invest the time to finish the book, and they certainly won’t recommend it to their friends. I understand the importance of conveying the right message and the power of storytelling. Whether you’re looking to create a book about business, military leadership, public policy, memoir, health science book, or something else entirely, I'm here to tell your story and share your wisdom in the most effective way possible. I have the experience and skill to help bring your project to life.
  • Will I own all the rights and royalties to my book?
    Yes, absolutely. You own the copyright and will get 100% of the profits.
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