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Turn the story of your military service into a legacy, with support from your brothers-in-arms and people who get it. 

Find and Write the Lessons Learned on Your Path

Legacy Compass Writers

Want to write your story but don't know where to start? 

Feeling overwhelmed at the idea of writing an entire book?

After you finish a draft, then what? 

Don't worry. I've got you covered. 

You have a story to tell. You've done and seen things that few others have and most people can't fully understand. You're finally ready to tell that story, whether or not you want to share it with the world. 


Often, people want to write their narrative to delve deeper into the past, contemplate previous experiences, and share the truth about their lives and experiences.


Are you ready to:

  • get your stories out of your head (before you forget them)?

  • explore the lessons learned (for yourself or to share with others)?

  • tell the truth about what you've seen and done in your life? 

  • move through the therapeutic process of writing?


If so, then this is your opportunity to finally get started.


This cohort will give you space to get 100% real with whatever you've experienced, without fear of judgement or concern for what others think--much the same as therapy. You're not writing for anyone else but you. You'll write as though no one else will ever read it, which allows you to unburden your mind and free your thoughts.  


The decision to write will be entirely separate from the decision to publish. If you decide to publish--whether that's one copy for yourself, five copies for family, 100 copies for friends, or as many as possible for the world to see--then we will work on editing to accomplish your unique goals. Until then, however, it's entirely up to you what and how much you choose to share, and with whom.


We'll start by distancing you from any preconceived necessary outcomes and see where the path takes you. I'm here to help guide you along your journey. The only things you have to bring are your story and your willingness to tell the truth to yourself.

What's Included?

Writing Support

  • Initial instruction (conducted via Zoom and recorded for later reference or if you can't join us live) to kick off your book journey

  • Templates to support you in your writing

  • A proven memoir formula to keep you writing when you feel stuck

  • Optional one-on-one call to get individualized support

Editing Support

  • An early chapter review with feedback to ensure you start off on the right path

  • A complete editorial manuscript evaluation after your initial draft is complete along with guidance on how to address and correct any issues to strengthen your book 

  • You can choose to engage me as your editor to help you improve the book or make corrections on your own

Cohort Support

  • Access to an exclusive group Slack channel for support along the way

  • Three monthly support calls (conducted via Zoom) to talk through challenges, generate ideas, and share solutions

  • Bi-weekly email check in for accountability and to discuss progress

Publishing Support

  • A one-on-one call when you are ready to discuss publishing options and talk through what would work best for your unique situation and project

  • Full guidance for publishing options

  • De-mystification of the publishing process and solutions tailored to your needs, including referrals if appropriate

  • Access to discounted publishing pricing through Copper Mountain Books if you decide to publish

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a good fit for me and my project?

How much does it cost? 

Do you offer scholarships?  

When do we start?

How long does it last?

Do I have to share my writing with the instructor or the group?

What else should I know?

What if I'm unhappy with the program?  

Let's do this! How do I get started?

If you want to capture your story, invest the time to do it well, and get support along the way, then you will benefit from this cohort.


This particular group will be targeted toward the military, veteran, and government communities. The value in this program is two-fold: first, in the tools and techniques I'll give you on how to structure and write your 

​book. Second, and perhaps more important, is the support you'll receive while going through the process from your peers who understand you and me. 


I'm the wife of a veteran and I worked for DOD for more than 15 years. I'm familiar with the unique community and needs of a military author. (If you're interested, you can learn more about me here).


You'll be surrounded by a supportive and understanding group and equipped to successfully complete your story. You can reflect back and capture the lessons learned, resulting in a legacy for yourself or one you can share with whomever you choose--family, friends, or the world. 

The investment for the complete program is $5,300. By paying prior to August 21st, you will receive a $200 early-bird discount, plus an additional $200 discount by paying in full prior to the start of the program, bringing your total to $4,900. 


If you would prefer to break up the payments, it is $1,770/month for three months or $1,700/month with the early-bird discount.

The military and veteran community is close to my heart and I love to support them. I value your contribution to the cohort, so please don't let the cost stop you.  If you cannot afford the full price of the program, please contact me and we can make arrangements to ensure you can still participate. 

The cohort kicks off on the afternoon/evening of Friday, September 6th (depending on your time zone). Instruction continues the following morning of Saturday, September 7th and I encourage you to use the momentum to get started on your writing for the remainder of the day.


When summer is over and the weather gets cooler and the days get shorter, it's the perfect time to cozy up and knock out your writing this fall and winter! â€‹â€‹

The program officially runs through the end of November, 2024. 


I would love to continue to support you for as long as I can. If you would like to extend coaching following the conclusion of the program, I offer individualized coaching programs tailored to your specific needs. â€‹

You don't have to share a single word with anyone! It's entirely up to you what and how much you choose to share--and that's the point. I'm here to help get you on the right track with your manuscript by reviewing your work and giving you feedback, but how much or how little you use my support or that of your peers is your choice. Although I welcome and encourage your engagement with the cohort, there are no participation points here! â€‹

The point of this program is not to turn you into a million dollar, professional author.   


The focus will not be on crafting perfect sentences or shoehorning your book into a commercial product to sell as many copies as possible. (If you want to go that route, I can certainly work with you to pursue that goal, but that's not where we're starting).  

It's not my style to trap people into something they're unhappy with or hold authors hostage. Although it's always my goal to have satisfied clients, sometimes it's not a good fit for whatever reason. If you're unhappy about something, please email me and we'll chat about options and the best way forward. 

I'm so glad to have you joining us! Send me an email right away and we'll get you everything you need to get started. 


Congrats on taking the first step!

More questions? Not sure if this is the right fit for you?

Reach out. Let's chat.

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