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Get your book in the hands of your readers—without headache or hassle.

Printing Process
Stack of Books

You have a completed manuscript.
Now what? 

Trim size. Print on demand. ISBNs. Offset printing. Metadata. 

It can all be really confusing—and intimidating. I'm here to help guide you through the entire printing process. I'll demystify the jargon and align your publishing needs with your personal goals and unique project.


I work with a team of skilled professionals to produce the very best product. I manage your project from start to finish, presenting you with the available options and my informed recommendations. However, you always remain in control and make the final decisions.


You wouldn't build a beautiful house only to put lawn furniture in the living room. You've invested the time and effort to complete your manuscript. Now finish equally strong with the actual product. Give your book the finishing touches it deserves. 


I take care of all of the publishing details so you don't have to worry.

This includes (but is not limited to) the following:

A Book

Book Cover Design

Readers absolutely judge books by their covers. Miss the mark and your reader may just pass on your book entirely. A graphic design professional who specializes in book publishing will create your unique cover.

French Literature

Interior Layout

Your book is not a cog in a wheel. Get the inside look and feel to match what you want your readers to experience when reading your book. 

Leafing through a Book


Get your book into the hands of your readers! I will work with you to create a custom solution to sell your book via Amazon and other wide distribution channels, ensuring availability for purchase worldwide. 

Image by Markus Winkler


Registration and copyright services. This includes all necessary ISBN numbers and BISAC codes and an option to register your book with the Library of Congress. 


Publishing Imprint

Your book will potentially be eligible to be published under the Copper Mountain Books imprint, or you can publish under a custom imprint of your choice. This means my graphic design team can create a custom logo to use on your book (cover, copyright page, and spine) to align with your marketing.

Grammer Editing

Editing and Proofreading

Don't publish sloppy mistakes! I will polish your manuscript and work with my editing and proofreading team to ensure your manuscript conforms to industry standards and style guides.

What's your vision for your book?

Every book is different. I customize the project to your needs so you can publish the book you always dreamed of. Let's discuss yours. 

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