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"Writer Extraordinaire" Testimonials


There is no end to how grateful I am for Nicole and Copper Mountain Books! The expertise, care, honest and extremely thoughtful feedback and level of professionalism go beyond what I ever thought possible in the publishing world. A book starts as an idea that comes from the heart. Regardless of the subject, it can hold so many emotions for an author. The worry of finding the right person and company to bring it all to fruition can feel like a weight too heavy to carry.

I say this wholeheartedly - all fears washed away the moment I met Nicole. She handled my memoir with thoughtfulness, honesty, care, empathy and professionalism. Deliverables were always met on time, if not early. She was readily available for “just one more question”. When self doubt would creep in, she would be there for unwavering encouragement. It is clear why she has so many connections in the industry and why so many have come to her for all of their book needs.

When you work with Copper Mountain Books, the writing truly is the hardest part. Thank you so much Nicole for your care and commitment. Looking forward to the next one!

Laura Silveira, Author of Wishing on Rainbows

Woman Typing

"My journey from struggling writer to a successfully published bestselling nonfiction author would never have happened if I hadn't had the great opportunity to work with editing/book coach/writer extraordinaire Nicole. She helped me cross the finish line.


From overall book structuring to fine-tuning specific stories and lessons, Nicole continuously provided me exceptional guidance covering the entire editing realm. Even more, Nicole helped me tell my story in my voice, allowing me to explain my perspective in the style and tone I wanted while teaching me how to grow as a writer. If that's not a book coach, I don't know what one is.


Whether you are a thought leader, someone who has lived life and has a story to tell, or a person who has participated in memorable moments - and you have to write that book - I highly recommend partnering with superstar Nicole and Copper Mountain Books."



I don't even know what to say about this brilliant Word Wizard. I found her during the last year of writing my manuscript, when it was a “steaming hot pile of pages.” Without her, I’m not sure you’d be reading my book. She was like my GPS—taking this project from chaos to clarity.  She cut my book from 85,000 words to 74,000 words like a world-class surgeon, without changing the tone or personality of any of the writing. When her final changes came through, I just clicked "accept all changes." I did not need to double-check. I had that much faith in her. If you need an editor, I’ll introduce you. You’ll thank me forever.


Thanks so much for your evaluation of my draft! I’ve read it over three times and each time I can imagine more clearly what I need to do.


I really appreciate your direct and simple instructions!


I’ve been such a fussbudget in my own mind about starting this editing process, having written with such messy abandon, but now I’m just going to pull up my socks and get started!


Again, thanks so much for your fortitude, clarity and encouragement.


I wanted to take a moment and thank you for the time and effort you put in reading and assessing my draft. I know this is your job, but I still recognize that it must sometimes be tedious to read through such early drafts (especially at over 115,000 words).


I also wanted to communicate that I appreciate the honesty and acuity of your suggestions. I recognize that they are very much accurate. I believe your suggestions will allow me to address the valid concerns you have brought up, and in the end, create a book that better serves the reader.


Thank you for your contribution in making this book better.

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