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The Swift Book Method®

Write your book in 8 weeks or less—with minimal effort.


The Swift Book Method®

Ghostwriting services save you time—a lot of time.


But ghostwriting services still require a huge commitment of your time and effort, and they usually take nine months to a year, if not more. Some ghostwritten books can drag out for years. Most often, when you’re done, you have a completed manuscript, but not a book. If you don’t know how to publish a book yourself, you’ll either have to learn or pay a premium for a publisher to do it for you.


The Swift Book Method® solves those problems for you.


I use my method to take you on a journey from idea to book in 8 weeks or less—not months, and certainly not years. Instead of having to devote hours each week to calls, you set aside just three days upfront and I take it from there. We can even meet over a weekend if you’d prefer. You don’t need to clear space in your busy schedule to meet every week for months. Investing time at the beginning allows you to focus on your life and return to doing what you do best while I craft your book.

Because I work exclusively with one client at a time, I can fully devote my work to your ideas and your book. How would it feel if your book needs were handled attentively and quickly in a concierge-like fashion? You’re not competing with multiple other projects on my calendar. My sole focus during our time together is completing your quality book quickly.


Most importantly, I move with purpose, speed, and precision to produce an excellent book you’ll be proud to attach your name to—all in a fraction of the time it otherwise takes. With the Swift Book Method®, you can expect:

  • A complete book in a matter of weeks

  • A focused and efficient content-gathering process to capture the majority of your book’s information upfront

  • My exclusive devotion to your manuscript

  • Prompt responsiveness

  • A single point of contact from the start of the process through my completion of the manuscript (and through publishing if you choose that option).



This process is not for everyone. Among other considerations, you need to know your subject very well and trust me as the expert on writing and producing your book. To see if this method is a fit for you, please contact me to arrange a discussion.

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